Gene list to clipboard preferences |
This dialog selects the data that will be written
to the system clipboard upon selecting the List To Clipboard option for
a cluster. The following check-boxes are available:
- Use header row prepends a header row to the table
- Cluster ID adds a column with the cluster ID or the
cluster name when defined (more here)
- Gene Name adds a column containing the gene names
- Description adds a column containing the gene descriptions
- Closest cluster adds a column with the ID or the
name of the closest cluster to this gene (without considering the gene's
own cluster - see also the Closest
Clusters window)
- In value adds a column with the fit of the gene within
its cluster
- Out value adds a column with the fit of the gene
within its closest cluster
- Fit value adds a column containing the following
formula : (In - Out)/(In + Out), in percents
- Coloring Scheme adds a column with the name of the
coloring scheme
cluster assigned to this gene.(This option will be disabled if no coloring
scheme is selected)
- Gene used data adds experiment data columns as used
by the algorithm (after all preprocessing - see also here)
- Gene raw data adds experiment data columns as they
were read from the input file