Coloring Scheme Panel

Coloring Scheme

    Coloring Schemes offer a very convenient way of comparing two different classifications. Once a Scheme is activated, all genes are colored in the graphical interface according to the scheme: the profiles in the Main Window in Heat Map mode, and the points representing the genes in the 2D and 3D modes are all colored according to the Scheme.

    Coloring Schemes are accessible via the Coloring Scheme Panel, invoked by clicking the green triangle on the right of the Main Window, below the header:

    This panel gives you the possibility to load a classification file (amc extension) and color the genes with it. To open it, simply click on the green arrow button in the right part of the main window. You can load one or more classifications by clicking the open button in the Panel and select one of them by clicking on the corresponding numbered tab at the bottom of the panel. If you don't want to use any coloring scheme, simply click on the "N" tab on the bottom left part of the panel. The coloring scheme will also colorize the genes in the 3D view.

    If you are running under GeneSpring, you can directly open a GeneSpring classification (xml extension) by browsing the directory of GeneSpring corresponding to your organism, opening its classification folder, and choosing the appropriate classification.

    You can also use the "Paste" button to create a coloring scheme by copying a list of genes from another program. There are two possible formats for clipboard as described here.
     The "Copy" button will copy the currently selected scheme into clipboard. You can then paste it in the classification compare window. You can rename or save a coloring scheme by right clicking on the coloring scheme panel.