The ClassMarker Result Tab

    The Result Tabs are used to graphically analyse the results of a Cross-Validation or Train and Test analysis. They contain a subset of the totality of the genes that discriminates the classes (the marker genes).

    In a Result Tab you can :

A result tab

   All the tabs shown by the A arrows are result tabs, while the leftmost tab is the Master Tab.

The “B Part” of a result pane

    This part has several commands similar to those found in the Master Tab, such as preferences for a display mode. (In the previous figure the x and y heat map zoom). There are also two buttons which are only accessible in a result tab : A Close button which will close the active tab, and a “Set as coloring scheme” button which is used to colorize the other tabs with the markers identified in the current one. If a marker is used in several groups, a message will inform you on how many there are.

The “C Part” of a result pane

    This part shows the same class separation as the Master Tab. But unlike the Master Tab, you are not able to do any class changes in this tab, because the subset of markers shown here depends on the class definition.

    There are four buttons allowing you to change the visualization of the result. (the G part in the previous figure). The possible modes are:

  • Heat : This will display the results as a heat map
  • Curves : This will display a curves representation of each group
  • 3D : This will show a 3D projection of the experiments onto marker genes axes
  • Info : This will show an information table with the parameters used for the analysis

     On the right of these buttons, there are two check boxes, the first one is the “Show Assigned” check box. It will replace the cross-validation failure crosses (there are three of them in the previous figure) by the color of the assigned class. The next check box gives you the opportunity to show or hide unused classes in this result tab.

The “D Part” of a result pane

     This part depends on the mode chosen for visualization in the C part, in the previous figure the selected mode is “Heat” and this part displays the group of markers as a heat map.

The “E Part” of a result pane

     This part has two modes, it displays the samples (Experiments) table or the marker gene (Markers) table. To switch mode click the appropriate button on top of the table. Lines corresponding to samples masked out from the analysis are hatched. In the previous figure, the mode is set to "Markers".

The “F Part” of a result pane

     Learn more on window footer buttons here.

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