the last thirty years software systems have been dedicated
to registering, storing and retrieving data. Information technology
results in massive amounts of data readily accessible
to the decision maker.
However, today's software systems are
often of little help in the decision making itself. Making
qualified decisions has become difficult given the size and complexity
of the data, in an environment where it gets continuously updated and
where decision's timeliness has become critical. For example, designing
the perfect product, organizing the most efficient production process,
or making a startling scientific discovery, each of these
tasks now requires considering vast amounts of data interacting
in extremely complex ways. Carrying out the task means choosing
a way of proceeding, but there are often huge numbers of possibilities.
Making a qualified decision means selecting
the best of those possibilities, but the tools
for doing so are often lacking or perform inadequately.
Design software brings qualified decisions within the reach
of the decision makers. It exploits the latest technology
to optimize their operations, offering them
a decisive advantage over their competitors. |