In some cases, the data received by ArrayMiner
from GeneSpring are not the ones expected - the experiments (data columns)
may be in the wrong order or there may be supplementary experiments. This
is a glitch in the current implementation of GeneSpring's External Programs
There are three ways of solving the problem:
- Use the reorder option
of ArrayMiner (by far the best solution)
- Create a new Experiment within GeneSpring, adding the appropriate
data in the desired order. You can then run ArrayMiner on this Experiment
as usual
- Within Genespring, select the View as Spreadsheet option in the View
menu, and check the Normalized checkbox only. Your
data should now appear in the proper order, one column per experiment.
Click the Copy All button (if the button is disabled, click Clear Selection
first). This copies the data into the system Clipboard, and can be then
retrieved in ArrayMiner by getting
data from Clipboard.